2022 | Canada | Directed by Martine Asselin & Annick Daigneault | Produced by UNLTD, Martine Asselin & Annick Daigneault
Autism is at once fascinating, challenging, and inspiring. Although this distinct neurological condition includes a set of common characteristics, there are as many different ways to be autistic as there are autistic people – hence the spectrum. Our main character, Lou, is based on stories and experiences shared by autistic people and inspired by the children of both directors. You will witness firsthand a few days in the life of this charming and vulnerable individual, from a children’s birthday party to his first day of high school. This is an inclusive production. Several people on the spectrum participated in the realization of the project. This work promotes empathy and a better understanding of this distinct neurological reality.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE : lespiedsenhaut.com
Languages : FR, EN
20 min