2021 | Canada | Directed by Patrick Bossé | Produced by Fig 55
The multidisciplinary artist René Derouin celebrated his 80th birthday and 60 years of artistic practice in 2016. The two events serve as a pretext to present his dense work and learnings in an extraordinary immersive film. In the form of a “road movie”, the film’s plot revolves around Derouin’s creations in connection with the key places of his journey: life in his native land in Quebec, the trips back and forth to his host land in Mexico, exiles all over the world, including in Japan but especially in America, with a crossing of the United States and a passage in the Far North. Halfway between art film and experimental documentary, Territories of the Américas is above all an immersive artistic experience at the heart of René Derouin’s work and thoughts, combining graphic animation and location filming.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE : territoiresdesameriques.ca
Languages : FR, EN, ESP (mx)

45 min